
出版品序號: 2013A01165
出版品名稱: White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan, 2013
出 版 年 度 : 102/10 
內 容 分 類 : 研究報告、成果報告、案例叢書 
性   質: 贈閱 
摘   要:  
版   次:
語 文 別: 英文 
編/ 註/ 譯者: 經濟部中小企業處 
電 子 檔 下 載: 01-Foreword.pdf(點閱數:82次)
04-PartOne Recent Development of SMEs.pdf(點閱數:96次)
05-Chapter01 Macroeconomic Environment since 2012.pdf(點閱數:70次)
06-Chapter02 Major Trends in the Development of SMEs.pdf(點閱數:115次)
07-Chapter03 Financial and Funding Analysis of SMEs.pdf(點閱數:74次)
08-Chapter04 SME Human Resources.pdf(點閱數:41次)
09-Chapter05 SME Strategies in Response to Changes in the Business Environment.pdf(點閱數:44次)
10-PartTwo Special Topics SMEs.pdf(點閱數:25次)
11-Chapter06 International Cooperation for SMEs to Expand in Emerging Markets.pdf(點閱數:37次)
12-Chapter07 Strategies of Trade in Services for SMEs.pdf(點閱數:22次)
13-PartThree Government SME Policies and Prospects.pdf(點閱數:53次)
14-Chapter08 Providing SME Financing and Investment Capabilities.pdf(點閱數:50次)
15-Chapter09 Upgrading, Transforming and Enhancing R&D Capabilities.pdf(點閱數:80次)
16-Chapter10 Strengthening Stratup Capabilities and Promotimg Incubator and Accelerator Programs.pdf(點閱數:38次)
17-Chapter11 Revitalizing Local Industries by In-depth Development, Marketing and Expansion.pdf(點閱數:39次)
18-Chapter12 Other Resources and Measures to Support SMRs.pdf(點閱數:22次)
19-AppendixA Act for Development of Small and Medium Enterprises.pdf(點閱數:23次)
20-AppendixB Standard for Identifying Small and Medium Enterprises.pdf(點閱數:15次)
21-AppendixC SME Statistics by Industry.pdf(點閱數:77次)
White Paper on SMEs in Taiwan, 2013(All).pdf(點閱數:611次)